How to Easily Mix Vintage Antiques with Modern Farmhouse Decor

Nestled in the foothills of Georgia in a little town I often refer to as 'Our Mayberry Town'. I am excited to introduce you to Now & Then … Where the 'Now Meets The Then' in my shop and in my home. My favorite styles are Industrial & Modern Farmhouse, French Country mixed with primitive antiques. My business and personal style is all about mixing vintage antiques with today's modern décor trends. I’m crazy about antique decor. Obsessed is actually a more accurate description! I love bringing old things back to life and I see so much beauty in craftmanship, chippy paint, and rusted finishes. And although decorating with vintage style can sometimes be a tricky balance, I’ve found the best way to do this is by selectively choosing antiques that compliment your style and space. Today, I’m sharing a few of my favorite rooms which is a great mix of 'now and then'. In future blogs, I will be offering a few questions that will help you discover your personal style and offering tips and tricks to achieve it. Stay Tuned!